
Web3 Game Platform

Play on, Player

Bridging the gap between gaming and blockchain

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$GG Tokenomics

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $GG Tokens

GG tokens are issued by EVM in accordance with the ERC-20 standard and serves as a key currency within the Gamegooz platform.

Early investors, advisors, and partners of the ecosystem are distributed tokens for establishment and growth of the ecosystem. The ecosystem focuses on the community, governance, rewards, and more! Marketing is used for branding and promotional activities in the initial growth stage of the ecosystem to attract and retain users and expand activities.
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Q3 2023

GG Token Issuance

Q4 2023

➝ Ecosystem Development
➝ Launch of Platform
➝ Launch of Starting Lineup
➝ Community Operation

Q1 2024

➝ Ecosystem Expansion
➝ Eco-Fund (or Microgrant)

Q2 2024

➝ Platform Update
➝ Lineup Expansion

Build With Us_

Become a Gamegooz Partner to enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology with no prior knowledge or go further and reach out to other projects in our community.

Collaborate to allow the exchange of game points or digital items for a special occasion or endlessly. We provide customizable and frictionless in-game points and digital assets support.


Building The
Future of Gaming_

Projects can use Gamegooz as a bridge into the ecosystem to leverage shared resources and capabilities of the community.
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Provide gamers with traditional and popular payment methods (credit, cards, digital carrier billing, virtual currency) for user convenience
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Offer game projects a way to receive revenue in fiat-currency when selling items (NFTs)
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Maximize the value of digital assets through NFT issuance and ownership
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Projects can use Gamegooz as a bridge into the ecosystem to leverage shared resources and capabilities of the community.
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Elevate Your

Gamegooz bridges games, NFTs, and blockchain technology. Game projects are encouraged to join and participate.

Gamers can accumulate in-game points from any Gamegooz Partner and exchange them for GG Tokens.

GG Tokens can be listed in the GuruFin Wallets

Gamers will thank you for it.

GG Tokens can be swapped for GURU Token and used in the GuruFin Ecosystem

GG Tokens can be used to purchase more game items on the Gamegooz Store & Marketplace.

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Unlock boundless possibilities for Web3 as we bridge the realms of gaming and blockchain.

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