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Getting Started

How do I install GuruFin Wallet?

Go to Google Play or App Store and click the "Download" button to download the app based on your device you're using.

Does GuruFin Wallet have a browser option?

GuruFin Wallet only offers an mobile application version at this time. We plan to expand our services to different platforms in the near future.

Do I need cryptocurrency to use GuruFin Wallet?

Technically, no. You can receive GuruFin Chain native tokens such as $GURU, $MU, and ERC-721. Having native tokens listed above will allow you to invest, trade, play games, and own unique digital items, and much more.

What is a Guru Wallet?

GuruFin Wallet supports Guru Wallet, which allows users to manage $GURU. To create a Guru Wallet address, please complete the KYC verification process.

What is a Mu Wallet?

GuruFin Wallet supports Mu Wallet, which allows users to manage $MU and NFTs that adhere to the ERC-721 token standard. To create a Mu Wallet address, simply click the "+" button.

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